
34 products

  • Beerenberg One Pot Mexican 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg One Pot Mexican 240ml

    Enjoy a fast and delicious dinner with one of our One Pot meals! Fresh from our farm kitchen to your family table, perfect for a busy weeknight. Our One Pot Mexican is ready in just 30 minutes and delicious served with rice, nachos and a topping of cheese. Delicioso! Other meal bases in our range include Chicken and Chorizo Paella, Lamb Biryani, Miso Maple Pork, Malaysian Kapitan Curry and Moroccan Chicken.


  • Beerenberg French Chicken 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg French Chicken 240ml

    Arguably the quintessential classic French dish, Beerenberg Slow Cooker French Chicken (Coq au Vin) will warm your heart with its flavourful qualities. Oui s'il vous plait! For perfect preparation of this masterpiece, just add chicken thigh, streaky bacon, brown onion, Swiss mushrooms, carrots, tinned tomatoes and some red wine to your slow cooker, and you can sit back and relax as a few hours later et voilà, you’re ready to enjoy a delicious French meal!


  • Beerenberg Mushroom Stroganoff 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Mushroom Stroganoff 240ml

    MUSHROOM STROGANOFF 30 MINUTE MEAL BASE Fresh from our farm kitchen to your family table. Our Mushroom Stroganoff is creamy, dreamy and totally irresistible.


  • Beerenberg Japanese Beef Curry 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Japanese Beef Curry 240ml

    1 review

    Bring a taste of Japan to your kitchen with our Japanese Beef Curry slow cooker meal base! Slow cook your way to an international culinary experience with this flavorful and unique meal base.


  • Beerenberg Miso Maple Pork 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Miso Maple Pork 240ml

    Bring the farm kitchen to your family table with our delicious Miso Maple Pork! This savoury-sweet dish will tickle your taste buds and have a weeknight meal ready in just 30 minutes - perfect for busy evenings.


  • Beerenberg Pumpkin & Chickpea Curry 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Pumpkin & Chickpea Curry 240ml

    Rich and fragrant, our 30 minute Pumpkin and Chickpea mild curry recipe base will satisfy the most discerning of vegetarians. Pair with: Vegetables (or Chicken for the non-vegetarian)


  • Beerenberg Malaysian Kapitan Curry 240ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Malaysian Kapitan Curry 240ml

    Bring Beerenberg farm kitchen's authentic Malaysian Kapitan Curry home and prepare it with your family. This mild to medium heat curry is sure to be a hit with curry lovers, and it can be ready in just 30 minutes! To make the curry, you'll need simple ingredients including chicken thigh, brown onion, green beans, cauliflower and coconut milk. Wow your family with a curry fit for a king!


  • Beerenberg Taka Tala Marinade 300ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Taka Tala Marinade 300ml

    Savor the essence of Africa with our Taka Tala Marinade, a blend of select spices born from a Zimbabwean farmer's big idea. Beerenberg's founder, Grant Paech, discovered this exotic treasure on a South African adventure. Perfect for enhancing chicken, lamb, or prawns with its unique flavor.


  • Beerenberg Australian Fruit Chutney 180G

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Australian Fruit Chutney 180G

    1 review

    Brimming with generous Australian fruit, perfectly blended light spices, and rich flavor, it's no wonder this chutney is our crowning glory. Crafted on our Adelaide Hills farm, this Beerenberg Australian Fruit Chutney is a traditional classic and family favorite.


  • Beerenberg Peppercorn Sauce 300ml

    Beerenberg Beerenberg Peppercorn Sauce 300ml

    Experience our award-worthy Peppercorn Sauce, celebrated for its excellence in steak enhancement. Brendan, our connoisseur, hails it as the "Best Condiment Ever!" Delight in its robust flavor and let it transform your steak into a culinary masterpiece. Brendan's favorite, and soon to be yours!



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