UK & Ireland Drinks

52 products

  • Barr Raspberryade 330ML

    Barrs Barr Raspberryade 330ML

    Enjoy the delicious taste of our Sparkling Raspberry Flavour Soft Drink with Sweeteners! This refreshing and fruity beverage is made with Carbonated Water, Citric Acid, natural flavourings, Acesulfame K, Sucralose, Carrot and Hibiscus Concentrates, and Potassium Sorbate as a preservative. For optimal freshness, keep cans in a cool and dry place, and bottles in a cool spot away from direct sunlight.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Barr Cream Soda 330ML

    Barrs Barr Cream Soda 330ML

    Sparkling Cream Soda Flavour Soft Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners Ingredients: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Flavouring, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Aspartame, Sucralose), Acid (Citric Acid), Preservative (Potassium Sorbate). Contains a source of Phenylalanine. Store cans: Cool, dry place. Store bottles: Cool place away from direct sunlight.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Barr Bubblegum 330ML

    Barrs Barr Bubblegum 330ML

    BARR Bubble Gum Soda 330ml - a UK SODA that is full of flavour but contains no sugar.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Barr Cherryade 330ML

    Barrs Barr Cherryade 330ML

    Barr's Sparkling Cherry-Flavored Soft Drink with Sweeteners is a great-tasting variety of drinks, perfect for families! With approximately 7 grams of sugar per can, Barr has been delivering their unique flavors since 1875. Enjoy this delicious beverage and its ingredients: Carbonated Water, Acid (Citric Acid), Flavourings, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Concentrates (Carrot, Hibiscus), Preservative (Potassium Sorbate). Contains a source of Phenylalanine.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Irn Bru 330ML

    Barrs Irn Bru 330ML

    1 review

    Enjoy a refreshing, sparkling and flavoured soft drink served cold. Made in the United Kingdom and composed of water, sugar, carbon dioxide, citric acid, flavouring preservative (sodium benzoate), colours (sunset yellow and ponceau 4R) and ammonium ferric citrate (0.002%).

    $2.80 - $49.80

  • Coca-Cola Cherry Coke 330ML USA

    Coke Coca-Cola Cherry Coke 330ML USA

    1 review

    Cherry Coke 330ml – Refreshing and Optimally Balanced. Enjoy the familiar and unforgettable taste of this classic drink! Cherry Coke 330ml – Refreshing and Optimally Balanced. Enjoy the familiar and unforgettable taste of this classic drink! Enjoy the chips and refreshing taste of Coca-Cola with sweet, smooth cherry flavor.355ml Can

    $2.80 - $23.90

  • UK Old Jamaica Gingerbeer Can 330ML

    Old Jamaica UK Old Jamaica Gingerbeer Can 330ML

    Treat yourself to the uniquely refreshing taste of Carbonated Ginger Beer Flavored Soft Drink! Enjoy the delicious taste, enhanced with sugar and sweetener.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Vimto 330ml

    Vimto Vimto 330ml

    Refresh your senses with our Fizzy Mixed Fruit Juice Drink! This refreshingly fruity blend of grape, raspberry, and blackcurrant flavors has been delighting consumers since 1908. Ingredients Carbonated Water Sugar Mixed Fruit Juice from Concentrate 3% (Grape, Blackcurrant, Raspberry) Citric Acid Vimto Flavouring (Including Natural Extracts of Fruits, Herbs, Barley Malt, and Spices) Colouring Food (Concentrates of Carrot, Hibiscus) Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate) Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid) Flavourings Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K)

    $2.80 - $51.50

  • Warheads Black Cherry Soda 355ml

    Warheads Warheads Black Cherry Soda 355ml

    NEW Warheads Soda! Experience the classic Warheads flavours now in liquid form! Warheads soda follows in the footsteps of the OG candy with a sour sensation followed by a blast of sweet, refreshing flavour. Perfect for parties, a throwback snack, cocktail mixers or anytime you need to put more fun back into your soda! Get your limited edition Warheads Soda today, as stock is limited - be quick! NEW Warheads Soda! Classic Warheads flavors now in liquid form!Warheads soda follows in the footsteps of the OG candy with a sour sensation followed by a blast of sweet, refreshing flavorPerfect for parties, a throwback snack, cocktail mixers or anytime you need to put more fun back into your soda! Ingredients: carbonated water, sugar, malic acid, natural flavor, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), blue 1 Legal Disclaimer: Product Information above for reference only. Actual product packaging and ingredients may differ. Please always read labels, warnings, food allergies and directions provided with the product.


  • Barrs D&B 330ML

    Barr Barrs D&B 330ML

    Refresh with Barr D'n'B Soft Drink! Experience something deliciously dark with Barr D'n'B Soft Drink! This sparkling soda is packed with a unique dandelion and burdock flavour that will tantalize your taste buds. Best served chilled for an instant refreshment, Barr D'n'B Soft Drink is the perfect way to quench your thirst! Don't miss out on this unique and delicious soft drink - get your hands on Barr D'n'B Soft Drink today!

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Club Orange 330ML

    Club Club Orange 330ML

    Refreshing Carbonated Orange Juice Soft Drink with Real Fruit Bits Treat yourself to a refreshing carbonated orange juice soft drink with real fruit bits. Our delicious soft drink is made with real fruit pieces, giving you a unique and flavorful experience. Perfect for vegetarians, this soft drink is sure to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds. Order your refreshing carbonated orange juice soft drink with real fruit bits today and enjoy a unique and delicious beverage!

    $2.80 - $49.80

  • Club Rock Shandy 330ML

    Club Club Rock Shandy 330ML

    Club Rock Shandy - Orange & Lemon Flavoured Sparkling Soda with Real Fruit Bits Treat yourself to a refreshingly delicious Club Rock Shandy! Our unique blend of orange and lemon flavoured sparkling soda is made with real fruit bits for a truly delicious experience. Enjoy the perfect balance of sweet and tart flavours with every sip. Club Rock Shandy is the perfect drink for any occasion. Whether you're looking for a refreshing beverage to enjoy on a hot summer day or a tasty treat to share with friends, our sparkling soda is sure to please. Order your Club Rock Shandy today and experience the delicious taste of real fruit bits in every sip!

    $2.80 - $49.80

  • Sale -22% Horlicks Instant Chocolate Malt Drink 400G ( BB 03/2025 )

    Horlicks Horlicks Instant Chocolate Malt Drink 400G ( BB 03/2025 )

    3 reviews

    Horlicks Instant Chocolate Nutritious Malt Drink. This delicious, nourishing recipe blends malted barley, wheat, chocolate and milk to create an enjoyable and satisfying drink the whole family will love. Indulge in this wholesome treat today! Horlicks Nutritious Malt Drink Pack contents: 400g Unforgettable flavour Wholesome and nourishing recipe Good source of calcium Caffeine-free No artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners


  • Tizer The Great Britain Pop Drink 330ml

    Tizer Tizer The Great Britain Pop Drink 330ml

    Tizer is a one-of-a-kind, iconic British soft drink that blends together a combination of citrus and red fruits to create a zingy, refreshing flavor with a bold, invigorating bite.

    $2.80 - $49.80

  • Vimto Zero Sugar 330ml

    Vimto Vimto Zero Sugar 330ml

    This delicious and refreshing beverage has been a favorite of Australians since 1908. Our unique blend of grapes, raspberries, and blackcurrants is perfect for middle-aged and elderly people looking for a tasty treat. Optimized for SEO and designed to increase shopping conversion rates, this fruity beverage is sure to please.

    $2.80 - $51.50

  • Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate Drink Indulge in the delicious taste of British Pomegranate with Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate Juice Drink. This refreshing drink is rich in vitamin C, making it a healthy choice for any occasion.


  • Tango Mango Suger Free 330ml

    Tango Tango Mango Suger Free 330ml

    Mango flavour explosion, Sugar Free and bursting with the distinctive real fruit  Sparkling mango flavoured fizzy soft drink.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Tango Dark Berry Sugar Free 330ML

    Tango Tango Dark Berry Sugar Free 330ML

    Tango has expertly blended the succulent flavors of apple, blackcurrant, and blackberry to create a mouthwatering fruit fusion. This delectable beverage provides the same zesty burst of flavor that Tango is known for, but without the added sugar.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Barr Pineapple 330ML

    Barr Barr Pineapple 330ML

    Out of stock

    Indulge in the tropical taste of Barr's Pineapple Barr, whether you're sipping it solo or mixing it with your go-to spirits for a refreshing twist on classic cocktails. Whether you're lounging at home or on-the-go, this delicious drink is the perfect pick-me-up. And with no artificial colours or preservatives, you can feel good about treating yourself to this flavourful beverage. So grab a can of Barr's Pineapple Barr and let the exotic flavours transport you to your own personal paradise.

    Out of stock

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Sale -20% Capri-Sun Orange 330ML ( BB 31/03/2025 )

    Capri-Sun Capri-Sun Orange 330ML ( BB 31/03/2025 )

    Capri-Sun Orange is a delicious orange juice drink that comes in a playful pouch. With Capri Sun, you can truly taste the fun! Try original Orange.  Capri-Sun Orange 330ml Fruit Juice Drink with Sugar and Sweetener Discover Capri-Sun Orange Big Pouch. Pure Sunshine in Every Sip! Big Pouch. Big Refreshment with a convenient resealable, cap for quick and easy hydration on-the-go.To guarantee that our products remain consistently delicious, we keep a very close eye on our ingredients. Only the best fruits and juices are good enough to be in a Capri-Sun. And that's a promise - flip our pouch over and you'll see that our ingredient list is very short. Every Capri-Sun is free from preservatives, artificial flavours and colours. Capri-Sun's vision is to be the most sustainable and best tasting kids' drink in the world. At Capri-Sun, we know there is no Planet B. That's why we aim to minimise our impact on the environment. Our pouch is ultra-light while being tough, ensuring the freshness of our fruity drink without the need for preservatives.


  • Ribena Blackcurrant Drink 500ml ( BB 10/05/2025 )

    Ribena Ribena Blackcurrant Drink 500ml ( BB 10/05/2025 )

    Ribena Blackcurrant is made with British blackcurrants. Ribena is a rich source of Vitamin C. It contains no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. Low in calories and has a rich source of Vitamin C. Product of UK 


  • Lucozade Energy Original 380ml NZ

    Lucozade Lucozade Energy Original 380ml NZ

    Lucozade Energy provides glucose, the brain and body's natural prepared energy source.  


  • Warheads Sour Watermelon Soda 355ml

    Warheads Warheads Sour Watermelon Soda 355ml

    20 in stock

    Prime Energy Drinks Drink Responsibly. Not Recommended For Children Under 18 Years Of Age. People Sensitive To Caffeine, Pregnant Women, Or Women Who Are Nursing.

    20 in stock


  • Warheads Sour Lemon Soda 355ml

    Warheads Warheads Sour Lemon Soda 355ml

    16 in stock

      Warheads Fruity Sodas are like nothing you have every tasted before, from America’s favourite sour candy brand these fruity sodas have a sour kick that will blow you away! The Warheads Lemon Sour Soda is a zingy lemon flavour soda with a sour twist, a fun and tasty drink!

    16 in stock



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