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3 products

  • Matey Peg Leg Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Matey Peg Leg Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Peg Leg Bath Liquid 500ml offers a mild, gentle and hypoallergenic formula that is skin-pH neutral. This delightful bubble bath provides endless fun and games for your kids during bath time.


  • Matey Max Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Matey Max Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Max Bubble Bath 500ml provides up to 30 baths of bubbly fun for young adventurers. Simply add the liquid to running water and swish by hand to generate a sudsy, playful bathing experience. Recycle the bottle after use, but be sure to remove the sleeve and cap first.


  • Matey Molly Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Matey Molly Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Molly Bubble Bath 500ml invites children to join the adventures of Molly Matey and her shy sea-horse friend Kelpie. This gentle, hypoallergenic formula creates 30 baths of bubbly fun when added to running water and swished by hand. However, it should always be used with adult supervision and kept out of reach of children.



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