UK & Ireland

5 products

  • Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate Drink Indulge in the delicious taste of British Pomegranate with Rubicon Sparkling Pomegranate Juice Drink. This refreshing drink is rich in vitamin C, making it a healthy choice for any occasion.


  • Rubicon Sparkling Lychee 330ml UK

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Lychee 330ml UK

    Lychee Sparkling Soft Drink Get your taste buds tingling with the sweet fruity, almost floral Lychee sparkling soft drink - it's bursting full of flavour that will feed your curiosity and quench your thirst. Ingredients: Carbonated Water Lychee Juice (5%) Sugar Acid (Malic Acid) Stabilisers (Gellan Gum, Pectin) Flavourings Preservatives (E452i, E202) Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid) Sweetener (Sucralose)


  • Rubicon Sparkling Mango 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Mango 330ml

    Experience an explosion of flavor that will satisfy your curiosity and quench your thirst. Our drink is crafted with the finest handpicked Alphonso mangoes, delivering a sweet, distinctive, and delicious taste. This beverage is suitable for vegans. Prepare to tantalize your taste buds with our mouth-watering sparkling fruit drinks, made with real fruit juice. Rubicon Sparkling Mango is brimming with the sweet flavor of Alphonso mangoes, designed to quench your thirst and delight your palate.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Rubicon Sparkling Guava 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Guava 330ml

    Experience a tingling sensation on your taste buds with the sweet fruity, guava sparkling soft drink - it's packed with a burst of flavour that will satisfy your curiosity and quench your thirst.

    $2.80 - $52.50

  • Rubicon Sparkling Passion 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Passion 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Passion, a 330ml drink, tantalizes with its rich, tangy passion fruit flavor. Sourced from select handpicked fruits for an intensely satisfying taste, it's designed to refresh and delight your palate.


UK & Ireland


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