UK & Ireland

602 products

  • Callowfit Honey Mustard Style  300ml 0% Fat & Sugar ( BB 22/11/2025 )

    Callowfit Callowfit Honey Mustard Style 300ml 0% Fat & Sugar ( BB 22/11/2025 )

    Callowfit Low Carb Honey Mustard Sauce A perfect blend of honey taste and mustard makes this low carb honey mustard sauce a real crowd-pleaser. Ideal for chicken, meats, salads and sandwiches.   This low carb honey mustard sauce contains no added sugar, is vegan-friendly and gluten free so it's a perfect option for the whole family to enjoy.


  • Barr Lemonade 330ML

    Barr Barr Lemonade 330ML

    Barr Lemonade, in a 330ml can, offers a zesty lemon burst that invigorates with each sip. Perfect for sharing or keeping all to yourself, this refreshing drink combines crisp tanginess with a sunshine-like freshness, revitalizing your day


  • R Whites Lemonade 330ML

    R Whites R Whites Lemonade 330ML

    R Whites Lemonade, a 330ml sparkling beverage, masterfully blends the tangy zest of real lemon with a hint of sweetness. Low in sugar and vegan-friendly, it's the ultimate refreshment for those seeking a fizzy, flavorful experience.  Made with real lemons for over 170 years Carbonated lemon flavour soft drink with sugar and sweeteners Clear and refreshing Ideal for sharing with friends and family Can be served on its own or as a mixer to vodka Serve cold for maximum refreshment.


  • Sale -70% Grey Poupon Old Style Mustard Seeded 210G ( BB 13/12/2024 )

    Grey Poupon Grey Poupon Old Style Mustard Seeded 210G ( BB 13/12/2024 )

    Bounty Fabulous Fudge, encased in smooth milk chocolate, offers a luxurious coconut fudge experience. These treats are an ideal choice for elevating your holiday celebrations.


  • Sale -21% M&M's Peanut Milk Chocolate Block 165G ( BB 11/2024 )

    m&m's M&M's Peanut Milk Chocolate Block 165G ( BB 11/2024 )

    Discover your beloved M&M's in a new form with the M&M Peanut Milk Chocolate Block. Packed with M&M's Choco MINIS and crunchy peanut pieces, this block comes in five exciting varieties: chocolate, crispy, hazelnut, peanut, and almond. Dive into a nutty adventure with every bite of this delicious chocolate block.


  • McVitie's Hobnobs Milk Chocolate Biscuits 262G ( BB 03/05/2025 )

    McVitie's McVitie's Hobnobs Milk Chocolate Biscuits 262G ( BB 03/05/2025 )

    These biscuits blend 45% oat and wholemeal for a wholesome snack, free from artificial colors or flavors. Suitable for vegetarians, they're a delightful addition to a balanced diet. Have you found your perfect snack balance today?


  • Rubicon Sparkling Passion 330ml

    Rubicon Rubicon Sparkling Passion 330ml

    Rubicon Sparkling Passion, a 330ml drink, tantalizes with its rich, tangy passion fruit flavor. Sourced from select handpicked fruits for an intensely satisfying taste, it's designed to refresh and delight your palate.


  • Vimto Energy Natural Caffeine with Real Fruit Juice 500ml ( BB 05/2025 )

    Vimto Vimto Energy Natural Caffeine with Real Fruit Juice 500ml ( BB 05/2025 )

    Vimto Energy combines real fruit juice with natural caffeine, flavorings, sugar, and sweeteners in a fizzy mixed fruit drink. Each can contains only 95 calories and is rich in Vitamins B6 & B12. Vegetarian-friendly, this 500ml beverage showcases the quality and taste Vimto_, a registered trademark of Nichols PLC, is known for.


  • Sale -11% Cadbury Fudge 15 Treatsize Bag 202G ( BB 28/02/2028)

    Cadbury Cadbury Fudge 15 Treatsize Bag 202G ( BB 28/02/2028)

    Cadbury Fudge 15 Treatsize Bag 202G A bag full of Cadbury Fudge Treatsize Bars. Fudge smothered in Cadbury milk chocolate. Product dimensions : 195 mm x 225 mm x 35 mm


  • Sale -25% Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Block 110G ( BB 13/02/2025 )

    Cadbury Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Block 110G ( BB 13/02/2025 )

    This 110g bar is perfect for sharing with friends and family. Cadbury Dairy Milk Bar (110g) Delicious Milk Chocolate chunks in a bar form Perfect for sharing with friends and family An irresistible sweet treat! A Cadbury Classic that is a firm favorite with everyone Product of UK


  • Sale -30% Terry's Orange Chocolate Mint Ball 145G (  BB 28/06/2025 )

    Terry's Orange Terry's Orange Chocolate Mint Ball 145G ( BB 28/06/2025 )

    3 reviews

    Terry's Orange Chocolate Mint Balls, made with real Orange Oil and Mint. Treat yourself with these mouth watering 157g balls of delicious Mint flavoured Chocolate. Loved by both kids and adults.


  • Sale -28% Koka Instant Noodles Beef Flavour 85G ( BB 30/04/2025 )

    Koka Koka Instant Noodles Beef Flavour 85G ( BB 30/04/2025 )

    Koka noodles are easy to make and ready in a couple of minutes. These chicken flavoured noodles have a great taste and can be prepared in no time

    $1.80 - $52.50

  • Nairn's Organic Super Seeded Oat Crackers 200G ( BB 18/06/2025 )

    Nairn's Nairn's Organic Super Seeded Oat Crackers 200G ( BB 18/06/2025 )

    Nairn's Super Seeded Oat Crackers are full of delicious flax, sunflower and chia seeds, which makes them crunchy and so tasty, you can eat them on their own, without a topping. These seeds are a great natural source of protein, as well as being high in fibre and rich in omegas 3 or 6, and are all grown organically – so now there are even more reasons to feel good about enjoying Nairn Super Seeded Organic Oat Crackers. No Added Sugar  Plant Based wholegrain  Made in UK


  • Sale -60% Barratt Refreshers Fizzy Softies 120G ( BB 01/2025 )

    Barratt Barratt Refreshers Fizzy Softies 120G ( BB 01/2025 )

    Barratt Refreshers Fizzy Softies 120G It offers a tongue-twisting delight - fruit-flavored foam candy in whimsical shapes. Embark on a flavor adventure with these playful, foam-filled treats that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.


  • Swizzels Sweet Treats Tubs 600G ( BB 31/01/2025 )

    Swizzels Swizzels Sweet Treats Tubs 600G ( BB 31/01/2025 )

    Swizzles Sweet Treats Tub 600g - Contains miniatures of Parma Violets, Drumstick lollies, Love Hearts, Refresher bars, Fizzers and Double Lollies.


  • Dilmah Finest English Breakfast Tea 20 Tea Bags 40G ( BB 01/2027 )

    Dilmah Dilmah Finest English Breakfast Tea 20 Tea Bags 40G ( BB 01/2027 )

    Dilmah's Finest English Breakfast Tea, sourced from the esteemed Dimbula Valley at 1,500 meters elevation, offers a perfect blend of strength, character and brightness in every sip. This 40G pack contains 20 tea bags sealed in an airtight foil pouch, preserving the exceptional taste and flavor of this gourmet breakfast tea selection.


  • Dilmah Finest Rose with French Vanilla Tea 20 Tea Bags 40G ( BB 01/2026 )

    Dilmah Dilmah Finest Rose with French Vanilla Tea 20 Tea Bags 40G ( BB 01/2026 )

    The tasting note and unique characteristics of this tea are truly inspiring. It has a medium-bodied floral note and a flavor that combines rose and a hint of French Vanilla with Ceylon tea in a perfect blend. This elegant and sophisticated tea is perfect for the afternoon or after dinner, adding a touch of romance. The tea is graded as PEKOE and is a flavored black tea. It has a medium level of caffeine.


  • Sale -16% Glen Dochus West Coast Blend Zero Alcohol 700ML ( BB 11/2025 )

    Glen Dochus Glen Dochus West Coast Blend Zero Alcohol 700ML ( BB 11/2025 )

    3 reviews

    Glen Dochus West Coast Blend Zero Alcohol 700ml is a smooth, mellow dark spirit crafted by Spirits of Virtue in Scotland. This expertly blended, non-alcoholic spirit uses advanced extraction methods to derive character from aged wooden casks, delivering a superior mouthfeel and taste unmatched by other alcohol-free options. Blended and bottled in Scotland with quality ingredients.


  • Belazu Black Olive Tapenade 170G ( BB 01/11/2025 )

    Belazu Belazu Black Olive Tapenade 170G ( BB 01/11/2025 )

    Belazu Black Olive Tapenade is a flavorful blend of tree-ripened black olives, garlic, capers, and semi-dried tomatoes. This 170g jar offers an authentic taste of the Mediterranean, with chopped olives perfectly combined into a rich, savory spread or dip.


  • Belazu Tagine Paste 170G ( BB 10/08/2025 )

    Belazu Belazu Tagine Paste 170G ( BB 10/08/2025 )

    Belazu Tagine Paste is a rich, Moroccan-inspired blend of tomato paste, preserved lemon, and smoky paprika in a 170g jar. This flavorful paste transforms one-pot dishes into memorable meals, while its umami depth enhances vegetable mezzes with authentic Middle Eastern flair. Vegan and vegetarian-friendly for versatile cooking.


  • HAK Boerenkool Curly Cale 370G ( BB 2026 )

    HAK HAK Boerenkool Curly Cale 370G ( BB 2026 )

    Hak Kale is a delicious vegetable used to make a traditional Dutch stew. It’s wonderful in the cold autumn and winter months! Our vegetables, including kale, have been prepared with less salt since the 2009 harvest. This makes our kale even healthier and allows you to enjoy the pure flavour of kale. These hearty kale bring warmth and flavour to your dinning table. Ingredients: Kale, water, sea salt This product contains no allergens. This product is 100% natural. This product is suitable for a vegetarian or vegan diet.  


  • Sale -20% Goldenfry Cheese Granules Sauce 160G ( BB 02/2025 )

    Goldenfry Goldenfry Cheese Granules Sauce 160G ( BB 02/2025 )

    Goldenfry Cheese Sauce Granules provide a convenient way to prepare delicious cheese sauces for lasagna, cauliflower cheese, pasta, and more. Simply mix the granules with water or milk to create a smooth, flavorful cheese sauce to complement your favorite dishes.


  • Matey Max Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Matey Max Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Max Bubble Bath 500ml provides up to 30 baths of bubbly fun for young adventurers. Simply add the liquid to running water and swish by hand to generate a sudsy, playful bathing experience. Recycle the bottle after use, but be sure to remove the sleeve and cap first.


  • Matey Molly Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Matey Molly Bath Liquid 500ML

    Matey Molly Bubble Bath 500ml invites children to join the adventures of Molly Matey and her shy sea-horse friend Kelpie. This gentle, hypoallergenic formula creates 30 baths of bubbly fun when added to running water and swished by hand. However, it should always be used with adult supervision and kept out of reach of children.


UK & Ireland


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